Of course, this, by my unofficial count, is the four billion two-hundred and sixty-two million seven hundred and sixty-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-ninth time this has happened, beating a very short held record for job removal requests that was previously held only four days by the fans of the Detroit Lions in requesting the firing of Matt Millon.
Why is he asking for his resignation? (This time I mean.)
From CTV.ca
CARP representative says he got a phone call on the morning of Nov. 23, several hours before the markets closed, and before Goodale made his announcement.[Sarcasm]"The day they made the announcement they phoned us and said something is going to be said," the associate executive director of Canada's Association for the Fifty Plus, William Gleberzon, told CTV News.
"They said something was going to be announced later in the day. And we assumed that if they told us that ... it would probably be something we'd be happy with."
WOW! What a scandal! This makes Watergate look like a dog and pony show!
Come on! Are you kidding me? "something" is going to be said? They "assumed" it would "probably" be something good?
First of all everyone knew "Something" was going to be announced. Hell the Conservatives shot their mouths off for days trying to stop the announcement from being made! I guess they just didn't use the crystal ball these guys did to "assume" it was "probably" going to be "something" good.
as·sumeSaid Goodale (With a small addition by me):P Pronunciation Key (
tr.v. as·sumed, as·sum·ing, as·sumes
v 1: take to be the case or to be true; accept without verification or proof; "I assume his train was late."
"On the basis of the information I've been given, it does not appear to me (or anyone else with a brain.) that there was any untoward conversations that either revealed the nature of what might be forthcoming in terms of a policy change or the timing of that."Do I even need to go further? I will anyway.
So, the Conservative Finance Critic, wants the Finance Minister of Canada, to resign because someone made a lucky guess? Am I missing anything here? No, I didn't think so.
And this guy wants to be the Finance Minister?
For even suggesting something this stupid, I want the Conservative Finance Critic to Resign. But unfortunately common sense is in short supply in the Conservative party.
Medicine Hat is a very safe conservative riding. Monte Solberg had the second best showing in the country of all candidates and won by over 65% so he can keep his current seat as long as he wants. I agree though his comments about Ralph Goodale were stupid. I think Ralph Goodale has been an outstanding finance minister.
Yeah, I know he's not going anywhere, but a man can dream. :D
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