Normally, I ignore the sort of non-thinking exhibited by Liberal for Life. But the announcement of an RCMP investigation is yet another blow to the Liberal campaign, and perhaps the biggest one so far. It's hard to imagine it getting any worse.
How does something like this affect the "true believer"? Someone who is an uncritical supporter, utterly unable to imagine the Liberal Party doing anything wrong, without it being a setup or a conspiracy, or blown out of proportion, or already fixed and thus a distraction from the "important" issues.
Well, we've just seen an example. It's not pretty.

Hey Angry thanks for the support and especially the incoming link buddy! I appreciate your efforts to help out my pagerank.
My motto is: The more Ultra Far Right Wingers (such as yourself) that hate me the better I'm doing! And with that post I'm doing very well.
And as for not being able to admit wrong doing, if the RCMP finds Minister Goodale guilty I will support his removal from office. However, I don't buy in to this "If something is suspected in a department it's Minister should step down" B.S. whether it be Liberal, Connie, Dipper or anyone else. I go for that whole "innocent until proven guilty" vibe, call me crazy.
I also got a tip for you guys, if you dunk Goodale in water and he drowns it means he's not a witch.