Conservative Misinformation Campaign Already Afoot
Conservatives Already Employing "Fuzzy Math"
So I'll post both and you decide, please remember both articles are "tounge in cheek"
Conservative Misinformation Campaign Already Afoot
Ok, so maybe it isn't dictatorship style propaganda, but the Ottawa Sun has already started their post far right victory parade with a little fact fudging, I suspect just to test the waters before the real blitz begins. If you'll notice the picture at the bottom of this post (click to enlarge) They have referred to Harper as the "26th" Prime Minister when, in fact he is the 22nd. This is no doubt a thinly veiled attempt to make Harper look like a better leader by increaing his rank. Everyone knows bigger is percieved to be better.
Conservatives Already Employing "Fuzzy Math"
It seems that Conservatives are already well on their way to destroying the country's finances, cultivated so much by the outgoing Liberal Government. I have discovered however that it may not be that they don't care about the economy, but just that they don't bother to study numbers before they do work with them.
I've noticed in an article by the ultra far right Ottawa Sun (see picture below, click to enlarge) they refer to Harper as the "26th" Prime Minister, when in fact he is the 22nd. Place that same 26 somewhere in the budget instead of a 22 and we could go from a four billion dollar surplus to a four billion dollar deficit just like that. Be afraid my fiscally sound friends, be very afraid.