Hi ! I have only recently discovered your site and have been enjoying reading your essays. There is one subject I would like to have brought up on the net, but am way too chicken and uninformed about how to do it (I am a 60 year old Mom)(I also haven't figured out how to "post" on certain sites. Other than my quilting site).
I have been so angry over these last few days (I don't dare check my blood pressure) that I have to write to someone and get it off my chest. You seemed to be someone who would have the patience to read my rant.
I am absolutely furious with the hypocrisy and dirty politics shown by the NDP. First their finance critic abuses her power as a sitting MP to push the RCMP (they can not ignore a complaint from an MP) to launch a criminal investigation over he announcement made by Mr. Goodale. Second , she then calls a press conference to tell the media that the RCMP has called an investigation into the situation and says this is really serious (I am paraphrasing) because otherwise the police would not have gotten involved. I couldn't believe it when I heard this.
Why won't the media point out that this is simply a dirty political trick Mr. Goodale's mistake was to announce the day before that he would be making an announcement about the Income Trust watchjamacallit(excuse the technical jargon), he should have just made the announcement with no advance notice. Anyone who could walk and chew gum would have known that it was positive news for the Income Trust guys. The so-called experts that are trying to say that the activity in the Stock Market was unusual are either lying or incompetent. I have followed the Chicken Littles in the Stock Market for many years (no money invested, this is just my favorite Soap Opera) and know that they're not telling the truth.
What they did was wrong. It was not ethical. It is politics at its dirtiest. They don't have the courage to challenge their opponent on fair ground. They have resorted to character assassination and have involved the police in their dirty works. They have destroyed the reputation of an honourable man , Mr. Goodale, with trumped up charges purely for political gain. This whole thing has Ed Broadbents fingerprints all over it,(remember John Turner ? I am still angry at Ed Broadbent for how he smeared him and gave us the Mulroney years).How
dare that man have the gall to talk about ethics in politics, he doesn't even know the meaning of words like morals and ethics. Not only that, but these.....stupid......stupid....stupid...stupid people have also complained to the guys in charge of the New York Stock exchange. I was horrified when I heard that. Have they no idea what they have done by doing this ? Are they so incompetant or so uncaring about the consequences of such a serious action. They obviously have put political gain (why do they want the Conservatives to win?)above all else.
They are a bunch of self righteous, finger pointing, hypocrites as far as I am concerned. Now don't get me started on Sven. I have supported the NDP for many many years, I have worked as a volunteer in several elections. I will still support the NDP provincially, but I will never..never..support them Federally again.
I may be going off the deep end over something that others may say is "just politcs as usual" , but I still think it was wrong and hypocritical of them. You can not do something like that and then try to put yourself on the pedestal as the arbitrator of what is moral and ethical.
I had to write this tonight as tomorrow I will be packing my computer away and flying out to Quebec for a couple months stay with our daughter . Thank you for reading my rant and my best wishes for the New Year.
Yours truly,

This is one of the many arguments I've been trying to make all along. Neither the Conservatives nor the NDP are interested in telling the truth about anything, all they want is to smear the Liberals so that they can gain more power. I know the Liberals aren't perfect and I've said as much on numerous occasions, but they are by far the best party we have in Canada. I hope this letter from a die hard NDP supporter will help some of the current NDP supporters see the light and vote Liberal.