Like this winner here. She's protesting the war in Iraq, you know how she's doing it? Well, she's not marching outside of the Republican Party's California Headquarters or the State Department or the White House or even a military base, no no she and her idiot friends have linked themselves together and blocked the morning commute in San Francisco. So basically she's causing people who have absolutley nothing to do with what she's protesting harm by causing them to not be able to get to their jobs. Bravo (And I'm sure those firefighters who are cutting her and her band of morons apart don't have better things to do, like oh say FIGHTING FIRES or SAVING LIVES -Ed.)
The reason I bring this up is because today another wizard dumped red paint on Minister Pierret Pettigrew, apparantly protesting the Canadian government's percieved lack of aid to exiled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's attempts to regain power. I'd just like to say this to the protester: "Bang up job buddy, I'm sure that changed Pierre's mind, I'm positive he's on the phone to Bill Graham right now, asking him to launch a major offencive against Haiti to restore Aristide to power."
Of course, I wish all protesters could be handled like Jean Chretien handled this guy. The good old "Shawinigan Handshake."

I swear I never laughed so hard in my entire life as I did when I saw that on the news.
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