Saturday, September 02, 2006


George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States, has been assassinated by a sniper's bullet in Chicago moments after making a terrorism related speech.

Full Story
A Dying President George W. Bush is held upright by a secret service agent moments after the shooting.

I'm not shocked that something like this could happen, but it isn't what I want for this President. I'd rather see him impeached and thrown in a federal pound-me-in-the-ass penetentary (Classic Office Space Quote -Ed.) along with his cohorts for the rest of their miserable lives.

The right is already using this movie to cast every single Liberal as wanting Bush dead. Where have I heard that before? (The sponsorship scandal!!! -Ed.) Oh well, I'm sure I'll remember it some time.

I don't imagine I had any of you fooled, but if I did fess up in the comments. APRIL SEPTEMBER FOOLS!

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