"There's certainly no absolute power for a Conservative government ... The reality is we will have for some time to come a Liberal senate, Liberal civil service. At least senior levels have been appointed by the Liberals, and courts that have been appointed by the Liberals."- Source
Well today Harper took his first baby steps toward his dream of absolute power by announcing he plans to fight tooth and nail for an elected senate.
"This has to end, because the Senate must change. We will be the authors of that change."
See, those on the righteous right are all about checks and balances, but only as long as they're the ones doing the checking and the balancing. The far right in this country has seen the Senate as an obstacle to their dreams of reshaping Canada in their own perverted image for a long time now. We in the sane center aren't suprised by it, in fact I'm suprised he waited this long to start his crusade.
The Senate does need overhauling, I think anyone can agree with that. But it should be done by all elected parties, not just by the Conservatives. Next thing you know Alberta has a majority of senators and that's the ball game for Canada, we might as well just call in an air strike and start over.
Things such as this are why I'm seriously thinking of getting behind a plan to start a party in both Canada and the U.S. with the purpose of reorganizing North America, all the Liberals and centerists can live in one part and the Far righties in the other. We'd keep the name Canada and they could keep the name United States. Like the Jesusland. I'd call it the New North America Party.
My vision for the future! :D (Click to Enlarge)
Red = United States
Blue = Canada

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