Saturday, June 24, 2006

Something I've Always Wondered About...

How in the name of Hell could he or his handlers have possibly thought it was a good idea to wear this?



Monkey Loves to Fight said...

Makes sense for Alberta, although not for the Rest of Canada. It might not be a bad idea for a Liberal to dress like that to gain votes in Alberta, mind you outside of Edmonton were pretty much screwed in the province while Harpo will win most of the seats there no matter what he does.

ottlib said...


The reason why no one is posting on the Conservative's excellent Quebec adventure is because they did not do or say anything differently than every other party in power has done in the past.

Let's see. Go to Quebec. Have a cabinet meeting there. Give a couple of speeches that could have been written by Jean Chretien's speech writer. Have a few photo-ops with the Fete Nationale as a backdrop. Go back to Calgary after just two days.

Yawn. Been there, done that.

The same could be said of course of some of the Liberal Leadership hopefuls who had their pictures taken during these celebrations.

What always gets me is the fact that people of all political stripes seem to believe that these kinds of events have a lasting effect on the intended audiences.

This is the party and moving weekend in Quebec. I can assure you that nobody there was paying attention to Mr. Harper, Mr. Rae, Mr. Dryden or any other politician who thought they could gain some support by attending the celebrations.

As for the picture in this post it just looks funny. Every time I see it I begin hearing the cheesy musical rift that you hear in all of those bad porn movies.

Hishighness said...

No, FairyMC. this isn't the best I can, do I just saw this pic somewhere and got to thinkin. You're not really getting any results either, how's that crusade to impeach Emerson going? Yeah, I thought so.

Hishighness said...

Actually, I thought about it and you're right Gary. This picture is very distinguished. In fact, lets see how you look in that get up.
