Saturday, July 22, 2006

Israel vs Lebanon

I imagine after this post a lot of people are going to hate me, but Hell, a lot of people already hate me. They're called Conservatives! (Zing! -Ed.) In fact, I even hate myself for agreeing with George "Dubya" Bush on anything, but I have to agree with him on at least part of this. Israel has every right to defend themselves. Now some people will say they're going way too far, but my view on it is they're the only sane ones in that whole region of the world. Every single time there is a peace treaty or agreement Israel holds up their end of the bargain and the opposing force doesn't. They made peace with Lebanon so Lebanon lets Hezbollah roam free on their southern border and invade Northern Israel and KIDNAP THEIR SOLDIERS whenever their sick little hearts feel like it. I mean Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese government for christ's sake! They've got a terror group as part of their government. Imagine if the province next to you elected a terror group as part of their government. (Although British Columbians and Saskatchewanians might feel that way sometimes)

So, I'm fully with Israel on this one, I say invade Lebanon and then Syria and then Iran and Saudi Arabia, and so on, seriously folks the governments in these countries don't think like you and I, they don't even think Israel has a right to exist. They're about 611 years behind the rest of the world. Also, so I don't get labeled a rascist let me tell you I'm not referring to the regular people in these countries just trying to live their lives, I'm referring to the regimes that control these countries. If anywhere needs regime change more than the U.S. and Canada it's the freakin Arab sections of the Middle East. I think Bill Maher said it best:

It's in the Middle, which is why Christopher Columbus was trying to find another way. People said to him "Chris if you do this you're gonna die." and he said "I'd rather sail off the edge of the world than deal with those people one more day."


kris said...

It should also follow that innocent Lebanese civilians now have the right to defend themselves too?

Hishighness said...

Maybe you forgot to read this part fuckwad.

"so I don't get labeled a rascist let me tell you I'm not referring to the regular people in these countries just trying to live their lives, I'm referring to the regimes that control these countries."

let me caps lock it for you

"so I don't get labeled a rascist let me tell you I'm NOT referring to the REGULAR PEOPLE in these countries just trying to live their lives, I'm referring to the regimes that control these countries."

let me capslock and bold it for you

so I don't get labeled a rascist let me tell you I'm NOT referring to the REGULAR PEOPLE in these countries just trying to live their lives, I'm referring to the regimes that control these countries.

So fuck off and go find someone else to spew bullshit at.

Oh, BTW. Die.

Monkey Loves to Fight said...

I somewhat agree here. While I would rather Israel not have to invade those countries. However, I think those regimes need to drop their idea of wiping Israel off the map. They also need to stop preaching hate against Jews in their schools. I was shocked at some of the things they teach their kids in schools in reference to the Jews. I have actually found it is the younger generation as opposed to older Arabs who are more intolerant. That is because the younger ones are brainwashed at a young age with hate, whereas the older ones got an education free of hate so they totally abhore terrorism.