Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Not as Bad as it Could Have Been in NS

9 seats isn't too bad considering the dire predictions of possibly only 2 seats. And thankfully we won't have an NDP government. Things could have been much, much worse.

Still it's bad. The Orange menace has taken over practically my entire home town. And my riding, which is normally a close affair was a blowout for the dippers, with my candidate getting half the amount of votes as the winner. God I miss Jim Smith.

I think it's good news Francis McKenzie lost his seat, I was never a big fan of his and now that he's going to be leaving it's a good thing. The only problem is I can't see anyone who would be a good replacement, but time will tell. It can't be any worse than the horrible 3 leading candiates we have in the Federal scene. (Rae, Iggy, and Kennedy)


Monkey Loves to Fight said...

At least Rodney Macdonald is somewhat more centrist than Harper.

One of my questions to you being from Nova Scotia, is do you see Nova Scotia going the way British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba have, having a right wing and a left wing party and no middle of the road party?

Hishighness said...

No, quite the opposite actually. The parties here are all moving to the center.

Monkey Loves to Fight said...

Thats probably a good thing. I suspect that might explain why the Liberals didn't do well. I suspect many Dipper and Tory voters provincially would still go Liberal federally.