Friday, November 25, 2005

Stephen Harper already hard at work losing the campaign.

I thought I would at least give the Conservatives a little credit by thinking they'd wait until the campaign actually started before they started committing huge gaffes, I guess I can't even give them that much credit.

CBC: Martin, Layton ask Harper to retract 'organized crime' comment.


Monkey Loves to Fight said...

When you consider the amount of gaffe prone candidates they have this time around, expect a lot more gaffes. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if someone says something stupid on Christmas Day hoping no one else will be paying attention. I doubt if the Liberals have links to organized crime, but if they did, I believe in the idea of innocent until proven guilty, something Harper doesn't seem to understand.

Monkey Loves to Fight said...

Liberal4life - you might want to check out this blog on the Iraq war. Here is a Tory who still goes on about how right the Iraq war. The Liberals should make this a central argument as I think most Canadians would be shocked to see a party supporting a totally unncessary, illegal, and unethical war being fought over natural resources. Anyways check it out at this site and feel free to give your opinions.