Friday, November 25, 2005

Bowie taken over by the dark side

Ok James, before you go nuts I'm just kidding. :D But I have to respond to your post "It's Time for a Change." However I'll do it the way that true gentlemen (Liberals) do it. I'll explain what my position is on the matter, instead of doing what jackasses (Conservatives) do, which is attacking everything you say and calling you a moonbat for saying it. ;)

James’ argument is that the government should change because it has been in power for too long, and that breeds arrogance and corruption. I have to agree with him on that, but I think the solution is different. Instead of handing the keys of 24 Sussex Drive over to he who can not be named (Classic Harry Potter Quote. –Ed.) and watching the mass carnage that would ensue what I would like to see is the Liberals win a slight minority. I, and many others, have a feeling that if this were to happen, Prime Minister Martin would be out faster than you can say: Chicken? Sandwich? BOOMSHAKKALAKKA! Were you ever placed in to a situation where that would be an appropriate thing to say of course. (I can’t think of one either. –Ed.)

After Martin is given the unceremonious boot we could find a new leader, perhaps my dream choice Frank McKenna, or even Brian Tobin. After that the new Prime Minister whoever it may be would clean out the old and bring a fresh new start for the party like Prime Minister Martin failed to do. The Chrétien loyalists could return to help the party again and we would have new vision. Then we drop the writ and win 307 seats with that nasal sounding troll Monte Solberg as the lone opposition member so I can tune in to Question Period every day to see his head explode as he’s surrounded by Liberals. (Ok, that last part probably wouldn’t happen, but the man can dream. –Ed.)

All I’m saying James is that most leaders don’t get more than 2 kicks at the can before the knives come out. Harper is the exception only because he’s led different parties.

I also disagree with your assessment that the Conservatives couldn’t get any of their horrible agenda done. As we’ve unfortunately seen with Dan McTeague and Pat O’Brien there are members of the Liberal party who seem to lean more toward the Conservatives than the Liberals. If the Conservatives got enough seats to combine with them for 155 we’re all in for a real bad day.

In any event James I hope this doesn’t mean you're not voting Liberal. :D

1 comment:

Hishighness said...

Heh, ya I don't think he's quite dead. Not in the public eye or anything, but I'll take any guy who can do what he did in NB in 1987