Thursday, November 24, 2005

That the House condemns the government for its arrogance...


Main Entry: ar•ro•gance
Pronunciation: 'ar-&-g&n(t)s
Function: noun
: a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims.

Harper: "Mr. Speaker, a new government will get on with the real inquiry."

Harper: "Mr. Speaker, fortunately we soon will not have to listen to answers like that for a long, long time."

MacKay: "Mr. Speaker, we can kiss off that promise."

Harper: "Mr. Speaker, I am glad the Prime Minister is getting used to asking questions."

Harper: "Mr. Speaker, the answer to all those questions is that we will clean up the mess the government created over the last 12 years."

Solberg: "That took a little nerve, Mr. Speaker."

Harper: "Mr. Speaker, I guess that is a no."

Harper: "Mr. Speaker, what I know is that a party that broke every single law in Quebec has no credibility saying it will enforce the law."
(Every Single Law? You know there is a law in Quebec that says margarine must be a different color from butter. -Ed.)

Hill: "knowing how fast the Liberals move, we can expect them to dither on that for awhile."

MacKay: "That flim-flam salesman would not know the truth if it hit him in the head."

Harper: "hopefully before that relief is delivered in 2010 there will be a new government."

Harper: "the only person in Saskatchewan who believes that is the finance minister."

MacKay: "that is another non-answer from one of the turncoat, twin towers of virtue." (Brison/Stronach)

MacKay: "fancy that: that member (Brison) talking about party loyalty."


James Bowie said...

Makes sense. Butter and margarine can easily be confused with each other. Having them different colours makes them easily distinguishable for everyone.


Hishighness said...

Question Period for the last week or so.

And before you go trying to top me by posting Liberal quotes, I know there will be bad ones, but my point was they look pretty hypocritical (A common theme with the Conservatives lately) calling the Liberals arrogant with statements like that.