Thursday, October 23, 2008

Liberal 308

I kinda don't like the name just because it'll probably have to change the next time we do a redistribution (remember there used to be only 301 seats in the house?) but for now it sounds good.

Basically the Liberal 308 strategy is akin to Howard Dean's 50 state strategy in the states that has Barack Obama and a lot of his down ticket Democrats on the cusp of a historic victory. (Please God, let the polls hold for another 12 days!!!)

The whole point of the strategy is to build up each and every one of our 308 riding associations so that we can try to compete everywhere in the country and not just in places we think we'll win. Who knows, maybe we don't win in some places because we don't ever speak to the people in these ridings? At the very least having a good ground game and a good base of financial support is key to rebuilding our party. Also as we've seen South of the border this strategy can take time and money away from our opponents as it sometimes means they have to defend areas they're used to relying on.

If we're truly going to put our party back in to power we must adopt this strategy.

Click the pic and Join the Facebook group today.


Monkey Loves to Fight said...

I fully agree with this. Our strategy should not be just about winning the next election but re-building our party. We cannot continue to get write off Western Canada. That worked under Trudeau since he swept Quebec and Chretien since he swept Ontario, but with the presence of the Bloc and the right united, neither are likely to happen anytime soon. Also we need to re-double our efforts in the non-GTA ridings of Ontario and off the island of Montreal ridings in Quebec. We may not win them all, but losing over 90% of them is not acceptable and neither is having the winner get more than double as many votes as us in a large chunk of them either.

Oxford County Liberals said...

We've got a website up now. And, as you can see at my blog, we also have logos specifically pointing to the FB group... So if you want, you can list both in your sidebar.

Hishighness said...
