Friday, August 04, 2006

SPECIAL REPORT: The 9/11 "Truth Movement"

At 6:02 PM Atlantic Daylight Time on July 24th 2006, I did a search on Google for Halifax tall buildings. I was interested to see how tall the tallest building in Halifax was in comparison to the former World Trade Center towers of New York City. This search would turn out to be the Genesis of a 9 day whirlwind tour through the very dark and disturbing recesses of modern Western internet society.

United Flight 175, 1 Second Before Impact.

September 11th has always fascinated me, as it has many others. That such a horrible tragedy took place so close to where I had lived all my life was a devastating awakening to the desperate situation our world finds itself in. As we all now know that day and its events were brought in to our living rooms by cable and network news. The images of planes full of people crashing in to buildings full of people were beamed in to our kitchens and bedrooms, our bars and restaurants, and our shopping malls and street corners. Everyone remembers where they were this day, I myself slept through the whole thing and awoke around 1:30pm turning on my TV as I did. As luck would have it I had watched something on CNN the night before and my TV was still tuned to that channel. Before the tube had even warmed up and displayed its ghastly image I was bombarded with what would be the beginning of a seemingly endless array of shocks. I heard a voice saying “World Trade Center Towers Have Collapsed.” To be honest, the first thought that entered my mind was “Um, what?” For the next 24 hours my eyes were glued to the television, watching images that should have only ever been seen in a bad Hollywood movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. I have to admit that on that day for the first fifteen minutes or so I was genuinely scared. I had no idea what had really happened, all I knew was someone had “attacked” the United States, the World Trade Center towers were no more, and the Pentagon had also been hit. My mind spun with visions of nuclear war and certain death for us all. Once my half asleep brain was given the whole story however my fear subsided and my shock took over. The rest, as they say, is history.

The Halifax tall building search and its purpose got me searching also for the dimensions of the former World Trade Center. Through this search I ended up finding a video entitled Loose Change which claimed that September 11th was an “inside job” perpetrated by the U.S. government. I had heard these theories before, but had never given them much thought. I don’t trust George W. Bush, and can readily accept he knew or had hints about 9/11 and did nothing in order to get over to Iraq and jack up the price of oil for his buddies, but to believe his administration actively planned September 11th was going a bit too far for me without substantial proof. Not only did Loose Change fail to prove that the U.S. Government planned and executed September 11th, it seemed to deliberately use poor or non-existent evidence to support its claims. One of the most blatant examples of this is using news anchors, sitting miles away from the World Trade Center, saying words to the effect of “it looks like some sort of controlled demolition.” as 100% proof of a controlled demolition. Claims like this are scattered all throughout Loose Change. Many eyewitness accounts are from the actual day, September 11th, when no one knew what was going on. Accounts of explosions in the World Trade Center are attributed to some sort of secret plan to demolish it, but as we all know not all explosions are caused by bombs. The explosions the witnesses heard could have been from transformers, or cleaning supplies, or any number of things. Also, how many controlled demolitions have you heard about where the people conducting it set off explosions in random sections tens of minutes before the actual demolition? I imagine, although I will admit I’m not %100 sure, that could possibly damage the connections to or possibly even prematurely explode the other bombs in the building. There are many other discrepancies in this movie that need to be pointed out; luckily two gentlemen have already taken it upon themselves to do so. So I’ll defer to them in order to save time. Screw Loose Change is a video created by MarkyX which points out all of the errors while you watch by showing subtitles over the regular version of Loose Change. Its website is located here and has links to all of the sources used in the video, something you won’t find in Loose Change. The second rebuttal is called the Loose Change Viewers Guide, created by Mark Roberts which is a site that contains a point by point rebuttal of all the claims made in Loose Change. This is for those of you who want to know what’s wrong with the movie without actually watching it. The final reference is to a document that shows just how callous and uncaring the makers of Loose Change appear to be when confronted with evidence that contradicts what they believe. This document was created by MarkyX and is entitled Loose Change Creators Speak (pdf)

The next aspect of this journey showed me that Loose Change wasn’t the only place where these debates are going on. There is a large group of people, possibly in the thousands who refer to themselves as the “9/11 Truth Movement.” What I found while I was there was that most of these people who claim to seek the truth in actuality are only seeking the truth as they believe it. They have a predetermined notion in their head and seek out evidence to prove that notion. Common sense tells you that isn’t any way to run a proper investigation. Real investigations require an open mind, objectivity, and a willingness to accept something you don’t believe is the truth. The vast majority of the so called “Truth Movement” exhibits none of these characteristics. For nine days I engaged in conversations with many of them in forums and other public places on the net. I went there after watching Loose Change hoping I could have intelligent and productive conversations about the few remaining mysteries that in my mind exist around 9/11. Things such as the claim that Cell phone calls were made from flights on 9/11 at altitude and whether that was actually possible or not, trying to find evidence of the damage on the South side of World Trade Center Building 7, which many people don’t know also collapsed on September 11th. (It collapsed many hours later and no one was inside.) On all these counts I was severely disappointed. What I found wasn’t a group of people searching for the truth, I found a vast network of people living and dying on shoddy reporting, bad evidence, embarrassingly horrible science, and outright lies. I was puzzled by this because these people claimed they wanted the truth. I would assume if you wanted the truth about 9/11 you would speak to people who are experts in the fields you’re investigating. Talk to chemistry professors about fire and steel so you can figure out for yourself how the Towers collapsed; talk to flight attendants and airport security personnel about the procedures that were in place on 9/11 so you can determine how they were circumvented, talk to computer programmers about creating a simulation of the North tower collapse so you can examine how the debris would have damaged Building 7. All of these things might be out of reach for one person, but as I said this movement comprises of thousands of people. Their stated purpose is to pressure the United States government in to launching a full and independent investigation it to September 11th, what they don’t realize is that if they were organized, open minded and did a proper investigation themselves they wouldn’t need the government to help them. However it appears that the goal of the leaders of this movement is not one of truth at all.

The next characteristic that I noticed in my stay was more often than not the people who believed that 9/11 was an “inside job” tended to believe in conspiracy theories from the past as well. The faking of the Holocaust, the John F. Kennedy assassination, faking of the Moon landings, etc. What’s more most of these people seemed to think all of these events were connected in one grand, all encompassing conspiracy theory. The root of this belief is the shadowy Illuminati, or more as it’s more commonly known the “New World Order.” The conspiracy theorists believe that the entire world is surreptitiously under the control of this entity and all of the human created happenings such as wars, and terrorist attacks in the world are their work. They believe that the goal of these people is to create one world government, obviously headed by them, that would enslave mankind for their nefarious purposes. Their evidence is mostly derived from a film by a man named Alex Jones entitled Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. Basically this film documents the strange actions of a cult like group consisted mostly of powerful men from around the world, most notably George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and others at a retreat in California called Bohemian Grove. Actions of this group disturbingly include a mock human sacrifice of a child to a God named Moli. It is the contention of the conspiracy theorists that this organization is the tip of the iceberg and most public face of the Illuminati. And that th coming together of these people, committing these simulated disturbing acts constitutes proof of the existence of the New World Order.

Skull and Bones, The Yale University Chapter of the Illuminati.

The final and by far most disturbing aspect I discovered in my exploration of the 9/11 Truth Movement was a deep, yet strangely muted hatred of the Jewish people. To be painstakingly fair let me say that not everyone involved in the movement has this characteristic, but the percentage of its population that harbors these views is enough to be very troubling indeed. Throughout this community the term “Zionist” is used as a hateful and derogatory word, used hand in hand with Illuminati as referring to those who want to take over the world and shape it in their own image. Go to any public forum dedicated to the 9/11 Truth Movement and do a search for “Zionist” to see what I mean. The people who use this term also tend to be of the belief that either the Jewish people had a hand in the planning and execution of September 11th, or that they were the soul ones that executed it, with the purpose being to frame their arch enemy, the Arabs, of the crime and by proxy have the United States do their “dirty” work for them. This quote, from a member who identifies himself as Hound, drives this belief home.

“If you Israelis could have the decency to fight your wars on your own. You are using the stupidity of Dudya to send American money, weapons and soldiers to fight your dirty wars.”

This statement made despite the fact that Israel was indeed fighting its own “dirty war” with Lebanon as we spoke. It was made in response to a post I made on my blog entitled Israel vs Lebanon, that one of the members of the Truth Movement had posted on the board without my knowledge in what turned out to be a successful attempt to smear me as being an Israeli apologist, which according to these people is the worst thing a person could be.

“Hahaha... So this guy turned out to be a Israeli apologist on the net. That certainly explains why he is here supporting Bush and the 9/11 hoax. Dubya and 9/11 being very beneficial to IsraHell.” Hishigh....: "So, I'm fully with Israel on this one, I say invade Lebanon and then Syria and then Iran and Saudi Arabia, and so on,..." “You are not very shy running Israeli errands on the net”

This kind of behavior and thinking has led me to believe that the true intent behind those running the 9/11 Truth Movement is not to find the truth about 9/11, but to use the phantom enemy the conspiracy theory creates to turn people more and more against the Jewish people; with the eventual goal being to wipe them out much like the Nazi’s attempted to do in World War II. 9/11 is perfect for this purpose because of the strong emotional response it evokes in people. As anyone who’s ever been in love knows emotion can override a person’s sense of reason. It’s quite Ironic that a movement that is supposedly dedicated to fighting a shadowy group may in fact be one themselves.

Poll Taken From 9/11 Truth Movement Affiliated Site. (Not Scientific)

In any event it is clear to me the 9/11 Truth Movement is irresponsible and needs to be seriously overhauled. Its stated mission is a laudable goal; however its methods in obtaining that goal are ineffective at best and sinister at worst. The sheer amount of misinformation that flows through its metaphorical veins is reason enough to push for substantial changes within its structure. Beyond that, this anti Jewish movement that has taken root within the movement could be the precursor for a new and dangerous type of hate group, and like the most dangerous in our history, one that we don’t even realize is coming until it’s far too late.


Anonymous said...

Strange little world that conspiracy movement, isn’t it? There is no doubt that there are a fair share of anti Zionists there, I don’t think they constitute the majority although they might take more that their share of the stage.

Most conspiracy theorists I’ve met seem to be drawn into it by the compelling notion that they have some information about the government that no one else has. The fact that they have absolutely no evidence to back up their claims only serves to strengthen their resolve that it’s part of a big government cover up.

I’ve looked into 9/11 theories myself and come to the conclusion that the Bush administration simply isn’t competent enough to pull off something like that. It seems much more likely that the events of 9/11 happened because of their incompetence.


Excellent article. Bruce; they are not Anti-Zionists they are Anti-Semtic. The problem with conspiracy theories is that they are monolithic, that is they must conclude there is one and only one secret society/group behind all this, and that conclusion always ends up being 'The Jews'. See my article Conspracy Theory or Ruling Class Studies

Anonymous said...

Anti-Semitic, that's right Eugene, my mistake.

I was only drawing on my own experience but I see your point, kind of sheds a different light on what the *real* conspiracies are.

Hishighness said...

Yeah, part of the problem I see is exactly what you said in your post. You say "Loose Change is by no means the best source of information" and I agree wholeheartedly, however it is becoming one of the most popular sources of this "information" because of it's flashy production values, and that is the main problem. If someone made a movie more popular than Loose Change that actually looked for the real truth instead of the B.S. Loose Change describes that would be ideal.

The Artistic Macrophage said...

Yes, and unfortunately, in their desperation to keep the tent big and wide, the scholars promote LC as much as the rest.

As well, the Scholars, are a bit of a sham themselves. HH, take a look at their "journal of 9/11 studies" this journal, in all likelihood, was created solely to allow them to put the "Peer Reviewed" and "published" labels on the 2-5 studies the group has done. their studies, in my researh, have not been publish or peer reviewed by any other intellectual body or organization or journal.

shawn said...

Folks like Dr. Steven E. Jones and David Ray Griffin (whose book on 9/11 is recommended by author Howard Zinn, among others)

Jones' paper has been debunked six ways to Sunday, and I dunno why an endorsement by Howard Zinn is something good (This is a man who said that if you could have a completely objective history, that you shouldn't go for it. he's totally honest about the bias in his scholarship.)

I've been working on a debunking on the very book of which you speak, although it's pretty much a regurgiation of debunkings of several Truth papers and videos.

Pat said...

Terrific post, HH. Linked at SLC.

Pepik said...


I would note that conspiracy theorists try to pretend anti-zionism is not anti semetism, often linking to their favorite "jews against zionism" website.

However, I'd have to add that your initial statement:

"I don’t trust George W. Bush, and can readily accept he knew or had hints about 9/11 and did nothing in order to get over to Iraq and jack up the price of oil for his buddies"

Doesn't actually make a heck of a lot more sense as a conspiracy theory than controlled demolition. There are a lot easier ways to amek money than invading Iraq.

Hishighness said...

Doesn't actually make a heck of a lot more sense as a conspiracy theory than controlled demolition. There are a lot easier ways to amek money than invading Iraq.

Ya, but what you're forgetting is this current crop of far right Republicans don't really give a shit about people's lives. See if it was Clinton I'd agree with you 1000% but this is Dubya, he's shown by his actions he couldn't care less about the lives he ends. Just look at his administration's actions on Israel Lebanon. (Israel which I partly supported BTW) Instead of trying to save lives by getting a ceasefire quickly and then working on the other issues he dillyed and dicked around.

Now I imagine you're a Dubya lover so there's no convincing you, but that's how I feel. I'm not saying he did know 100% but I'm just saying I wouldn't be shocked to find out he did.

Pepik said...

Actually I'm a centrist which means its hard to convince me that either Clinton or Bush are evil. I'm not particularly warm or cold to either. I used to be into the partisan stuff but not anymore. Part of the problem is that it assumes the President is an all powerful figure, which is simply not true.

And even if Bush didn't care about peoples lives, there are easier ways to influence the oil price than invading Iraq.

Simon Lazarus said...

Despite the fact that you support the Liberal Party in Canada, which is as crooked and morally bankrupt as the Democrats are in the US, I think your analysis of the complete losers in the so-called "9/11 Truth" movement is dead on.

Congrats for it. It is the best slingslot aimed at those psychos I have ever seen.

blogbart said...

I echo Jeremiah's comments above. As you properly noted, you have not covered all of the so-called "9/11 truth movement" and have focused on some of the seamier and controversial elements of it.

While I doubt the 9/11 official story, I do not count the sources you have mentioned as reasons for my doubt. However, that the movie Loose Change, and many others like it, exist and are being so widely viewed, is testament to the fact that many people require more informaton to understand better what really happened.

Do you really believe, categorically, that the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission have been 100% candid about what happened?

If so, how do you square recent revelations of deceipt revealed by Kean and Hamilton, 9/11 Commission co-chairs in their new book? I refer you to the following WaPo article:

The revelations in this book are proof that the "official" account of 9/11 was willfully falified by US government for years.

According to your statements this is ok and you will just let it slide. Are scared to question the official story because you don't want to be confused with anti-semites?

You can ask questions that won't brand you a "conspiracy theorist" or anti-semitic. As an example, Lou Dobbs of CNN just made some very pertinent comments on the recent revelations years of deceipt by 9/11 Commission duo Kean and Hamilton and US government. He said:

"If all of the after action reports are untrue, for whatever reason, thats a lie, because they are asserted as the truth by people who knew better, or should have."

“The fact that they would continue, and perpetuate the lie, suggests that we need a full investigation of what is going on, and what is demonstrably an incompetent, and at worst, deceitful, federal government.”

Button Gwinnett said...

Here in Georgia, Cynthia McKinney stokes the fires and beats the drums for just about any conspiracy theory that she finds useful to stir her base. And she's done it so often and with so little real evidence on subjects like 9/11 and electronic voting machines that her base has finally abandoned her. Although if you ask her, it's still those darn Jews, the media, electronic voting machines, crossover voting Republicans (her district always votes overwhelmingly Democrat), gays abandoning her, etc. that caused her to lose. Once a conspiracy theorist, always a conspiracy theorist.....

In fact, if you look at McKinney's financial disclosures, the majority of her money comes from outside of the state of Georgia, and from mostly people with Arabic sounding names. That's not to suggest that those people are automatically anti-semites. But seeing as how McKinney is the most vocal elected person in the U.S. government in her denouncement of Israel and of her 9/11 point of view, I think it might be another example of how the 9/11 "truth movement" does contain those kinds of undertones.

I guess conspiracy theories are somewhat fun to talk about. But unfortunately they indulge a not so great part of us as human beings. But more importantly, they often divert us from finding the out the real root of our problems and effectively dealing with it.

Hishighness said...

According to your statements this is ok and you will just let it slide. Are scared to question the official story because you don't want to be confused with anti-semites?

I never said it was ok for the government to mislead, and I'd like to see an independent inquiry in to 9/11 also, my point is the guys who made Loose Change made the same mistake Oliver Stone did with JFK, they put out a lie fest of a movie to try to convince people of their beliefs. That's not looking for the truth that's trying to force your version of it on others.

Despite the fact that you support the Liberal Party in Canada, which is as crooked and morally bankrupt as the Democrats are in the US

Joobo could you pass me some of what you're smoking? Cuz it's good fuckin shit if it causes you to believe that. I won't try to convince you of the truth, you sound like you stuck your head in the sand and drank the dubya brand halliburton made kool aid a long time ago. I imagine instead of hating Jews you hate Gay people. I've given up trying to convince Conservatives of anything, we Liberals made the mistake of assuming Conservatives we're just misguided and if we explained ourselves to them we'd be able to get through to them, but we're drilling down to something that isn't there. Common Sense.

blogbart said...
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blogbart said...

my point is the guys who made Loose Change made the same mistake Oliver Stone did with JFK, they put out a lie fest of a movie to try to convince people of their beliefs. That's not looking for the truth that's trying to force your version of it on others.

First point: if you really mean you'd like to see an independent inquiry into 9/11 say loud and clear and upfront!

Second point: If you honestly believe it is clear to me the 9/11 Truth Movement is irresponsible and needs to be seriously overhauled, then why not be discriminating, pointing what is wrong about the movement as well as what is right about it?

Suggestion: Why don't you do a post on what is right about the 9/11 truth movement? That will help advance the cause of obtaining an independent investigation!