Man, if only we had had some sort of registry for long guns or something I bet it'd be a lot easier for the RCMP to track this down...
Hey, Conservatives:
Because the Right is Wrong.
"Interviewer: One of your recommendations in your platform is with regards to question period, you want to have a PM question time like they do in Britain. I think a lot of people would be surprised to find out that Justin Trudeau only wants to be in the House of Commons one day a week to answer questions.
Justin Trudeau: Actually, that's not what it means."Nah, that's not a question that injects the answer the interviewer wants right into it or anything... She then goes on for the rest of the interview to try to inject her narrative into Trudeau's mouth with no success.
"Althia Raj: In fact we know question period is going to change, in the Liberal party's platform Justin Trudeau wants to answer questions once a week we're not sure if that means more than once a week so we'll only have him once a week in the Commons...He says that doesn't mean that if he's in the house he won't answer certain questions but you can rest assured that perhaps he will be more open and communicative outside of the Commons but not necessarily inside of the Commons."Since Althia Raj was the Huffington Post's reporter following the Liberal campaign it stands to reason she was probably the one who asked that question. So I think that all of us should be concerned for her since she seems to be suffering from amnesia. (More like selective amnesia)
8% underwater on place in the polls is not a massive factor. Sorry Dippers, you can try to explain away the electoral ass kicking we gave you last Monday all you want by insulting voters intelligence, saying they were too dumb to know they already had an NDP MP and so on; but in the end we ran a better campaign than you.The Liberal Party, meanwhile, had only positives scores.The promised “tax cuts for middle class/increase for high earners” earned a 56 per cent, followed closely by “Trudeau’s campaign” (55 per cent) and “Trudeau’s debate performance” (51 per cent).As for the NDP, its plan to raise corporate taxes was the most positive factor among its swing voters (47 per cent), while the only negative was the party’s place in the polls (-8% per cent).
They promised unequivocally to introduce proportional representation before the next election can be held. Now that they have directly benefited from the first-past-the-post system, however, can they be trusted to keep their word? After all, they themselves got 54 per cent of the seats on Monday night but only 39 per cent of the vote. The NDP would have had considerably more seats in a proportional representation system.Which of course is a bald-face lie. The Liberals never "unequivocally" promised to introduce PR. From the Liberal platform.
We will convene an all-party Parliamentary committee to review a wide variety of reforms, such as ranked ballots, proportional representation, mandatory voting, and online voting.For a guy writing in the newspaper he sure doesn't understand the English language very well. Also I find it hilarious the Dippers are clamoring for PR when there was such a huge outrage from them in 2011 when they won more seats than the % of their popular vote and the Liberals won way less... except, yeah their wasn't. Hypocrisy, thy name is Dipper.
Yes, because Conservatives are deeply concerned about the plight of such people. You're not getting your panties in a bunch because you and your rich friends won't be able to avoid paying more taxes or anything... Sorry dude, you lost and that means we get to revoke all your regressive policies. I'm really shocked they didn't try to put a flat tax in while they were in power. Shhh, I shouldn't give them any ideas.One of my early tweets was “Kiss goodbye to the annual $10,000 TFSA contribution.” It will certainly be disappointing if the Liberals follow through with their promise to cut the tax-free savings account annual contribution limit back to the $5,500 it was until the Conservatives hiked it earlier this year.While Prime Minister elect Justin Trudeau said repeatedly during the campaign that hardly anyone had “$10,000 lying around” I argued, apparently in vain, that there are hundreds of thousands of baby boomers on the cusp of retirement, not to mention many more already retired seniors, who have well over $100,000 in taxable accounts, all nest eggs on which income tax was initially paid, and yet are subject to annual rounds of tax on interest, dividend and in some cases capital gains.